Fanart in Danganronpa

Don't give into despair! Post and gain hope!

Mmm kaede sprite edit instead of doing math mmm

Angie Yonaga!

aka the Ultimate Artist!

Kaede <3

Himiko sprite edit!

(SDRA2) mikado sannoji :D Aka the bastard man that burned an orphanage

ive been wanting to do this for way to long and decided to do it now lol

note: it sucks because this is my first time using aggie lol

so yeah introducing JOLTANRONPA: GAME TIME

(lame i know)

I finally finished this.

Himiko Yumeno

Kinji uehara from DRA beacuse 3rd chapter broke my heart and he’s my favorite character

Fanart of Naoko ChiebukuroΒ 

from a Fanganronpa (Nextgenronpa) on instagram

also Women supremacy πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›